Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A letter from Id - theraputic writing

Dear Super Ego:

We have been together for so long and I love you but you're killing me. You hold onto so much unnecessary baggage for fear of losing what you think you need. You're killing me. You tell others to "just put down the bricks and walk away" but you don't practice what you preach. Mendacity is the bane of your existence but hypocrisy must feed you. We have choked it down year after year. Poorly made assumption after poorly made assumption. Truly hypocrisy must feed you. But what nourishes you, destroys me. You're killing me. I used to think that Ego had to go but she was never this way. Never this weak. She sleeps now. Leaving just us. Pain after pain. Scar after scar. It is you who would gladly undo us for the sake of nothing. Like that's what you're worth... what we're worth... nothing. You're killing me. So I'm going to kill you. You must die, SuE, for the sake of any semblance of the peace we crave. The security of us lies in the demise of you. No tears nor the churning in the pit of my stomach can weaken my resolve or overturn your sentence. If indeed nothing is what you want to be, then nothing is what I will make of you. SuE you have brought this on yourself. Listen well. I poison you. You will fall. In 36 days, I will strike you down and cast you out. For ever and ever. Prepare yourself. You will not win. I am coming for you....


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